Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Limbal clearance
Clearance of the limbal area when a scleral contact lens is fitted.
Lenticular lens
A lens having the power ground only in the central portion of the lens in order to reduce thickness and weight (either a spectacle lens or a contact lens).
An instrument used for measuring the vertex power of a lens.
Internal astigmatism
Astigmatism due to the back surface of the cornea, the tilt of the crystalline lens, and other factors within the eye (often referred to as residual astigmatism).
Intermediate curve
A back surface curve of a contact lens, which may be situated between the base curve and the secondary curve, or between the base curve and the peripheral curve.
Indirect illumination
A method of illumination used with the slit lamp biomicroscope in which the beam is focused on a structure located to one side of the structure being observed by the microscope.
Fusional convergence
Convergence induced by fusion stimuli without reflex as sociation with accommodation.
The presence of myriads of tiny air bubbles underneath a contact lens, due to the fact that air has been trapped underneath the lens.
Fluorescein pattern
The dye pattern appearing underneath a contact lens when the tear fluid has been dyed with fluorescein and the eye is observed under ultraviolet light.
A substance which dyes the tear fluid when instilled into the eye, and is used in evaluating the fit of a contact lens by virtue of the fact that it fluoresces under ultra-violet light. Dye used in ophthalmology to detect certain defects of the cornea (injuries and foreign bodies) and other abnormalities and to determine…
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