Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Amiloride hydrochloride

    An antihypertensive drug that spares potassium. It acts as a diuretic.  

  • Amide bond

    A bond involving an amino group. The peptide bond is the most common amide bond and is formed when two amino acids are joined together as illustrated.  

  • Aluminum hydroxide

    Common antacid; chronic use is associated with lowering serum phosphorus and excess urinary calcium loss. A safe slow-acting antacid and laxative. It is administered by mouth as a gel in the treatment of indigestion, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and reflux ‘esophagitis.  

  • Alloxan

    A drug that destroys the insulin-producing P cells of the pancreas. It also can destroy hepatic cells. A pyrimidine derivative that has been used to induce diabetes in experimental animals as it destroys the cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans that produce insulin. An oxidation product of uric acid. In laboratory animals, it causes…

  • Allotriophagy-pica

    Consumption of nonfood items; deranged appetite.    

  • Allosterism

    The binding of an inhibitor or activator to an enzyme at a site other than the active site of the enzyme.  

  • Allogenic

    Referring to the use of tissues or organs from donor humans who have a different genetic background than the recipient. In medicine, a general term referring to a type of transplant or blood transfusion that comes from a donor, a person whose tissues are different from the patient’s yet similar enough to be transplanted. By…

  • Allicin

    The primary active component of garlic giving it its characteristic aroma.  

  • Aliphatic amino acids

    Amino acids that consist of a chain of carbon atoms. These include alanine, cysteine, glycine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, serine, threonine, and valine.  

  • Aliphatic

    A chain of carbon atoms with associated hydrogen and/or hydroxyl groups. Belonging to that series of organic chemical compounds characterized by open chains of carbon atoms rather than by rings.  

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