Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Age-related macular degeneration

    In the realm of ocular health, a transformative process unfolds—a gradual deterioration of the macula, the central region of the retina abundantly populated by rods and cones. This intricate degeneration sets in, resulting in the loss of central vision, particularly affecting individuals who have traversed the threshold of 60 years. Within this delicate metamorphosis, the…

  • Agave nectar

    Amidst the rich landscapes of Mexico’s commercial endeavors, a delightful sweetener takes center stage, born from the leaves of the agave plant—a succulent marvel adorned with thick, succulent leaves. This captivating nectar, meticulously crafted from nature’s bounty, bestows a distinct sweetness upon our palates. Embracing the legacy of agave, this treasured sweetener stands as a…

  • African endemic kaposi’s srcoma

    Within the realm of medical conditions, a variant of Kaposi’s sarcoma unfolds, afflicting men and boys with its distinct presence. This enigmatic form exhibits itself in a manner reminiscent of the classic manifestation of Kaposi’s sarcoma, or it may manifest in a more severe and perilous guise. This captivating condition navigates its intricate path, leaving…

  • Afferent nerve fiber

    Within the intricate web of our physiological architecture, a wondrous entity comes to light—a nerve fiber dwelling within the recesses of a receptor or sense organ. This extraordinary fiber, akin to a diligent messenger, embarks on a steadfast journey, carrying vital nerve impulses towards the majestic domain of the central nervous system. In its noble…

  • Affective flattening

    In the intricate landscape of human emotions, a peculiar phenomenon manifests—a state of being characterized by a poignant absence or diminished presence of emotional expressiveness. This intriguing condition is often referred to as “affective flattening” or “restricted affect,” a captivating state where the vibrant hues of emotion appear muted or constrained, weaving a unique tapestry…

  • Aerobic bacteria

    Within the intricate world of microbiology, a fascinating group of organisms comes into focus. These remarkable entities, known as aerobic bacteria, possess a compelling dependence on oxygen for their growth and survival, a vital element that fuels their existence and propels their astonishing journey in the microbial realm.  

  • Advanced medical directive

    In the realm of legal affairs, a profound document takes shape as it is meticulously crafted by a patient with foresight and intention. This remarkable manuscript, known as an advance directive, manifests prior to any incapacitation, serving as a guiding light by stipulating the precise medical procedures to be administered or abstained from during moments…

  • Advanced breast biopsy instrument

    In the domain of medical procedures, a fascinating technique emerges, employing the prowess of a rotating circular knife and a delicately heated electrical wire. Together, they embark on a precise mission to excise a substantial cylindrical segment of anomalous breast tissue, unveiling a path towards restoration and well-being.  

  • Adrenocorticotropin

    The mighty force of a hormone surges through the cellular realm of the adrenal cortex, compelling its inhabitants to orchestrate the synthesis of masculine sex hormones, as well as the harmonious regulation of aqueous sustenance and mineral equilibrium within the intricate tapestry of the human body.  

  • Adenosine deaminase

    An enzyme that is deficient in a particular type of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). Children with adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency exhibit reduced levels of both B and T cells. An enzyme that speeds up the process of deaminating adenosine to produce inosine, which is a part of purine metabolism.  

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