Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Alpha-thalassemia

    Thalassemia is a hereditary condition that disrupts the regular synthesis of hemoglobin, the essential protein responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood.  

  • Alpha-2 agonist

    There exists a category of medications that effectively attach to and activate alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, generating physiological reactions akin to those induced by adrenaline and noradrenaline. These drugs operate by inhibiting the production of aqueous humor, offering therapeutic benefits.  

  • Alpha fetoprotein screen

    A diagnostic test designed to gauge the concentration of alpha-fetoprotein, a substance synthesized by a fetus with congenital anomalies, within the bloodstream of the expectant mother.  

  • Alpha-fetoprotein analysis

    Following the sixteenth week of pregnancy, a blood test can be conducted to assess the potential presence of spina bifida and other congenital abnormalities in the developing fetus.  

  • Aldolase B

    Fructose 1-phosphate aldolase, also known as the alias given to this compound, is synthesized within the hepatic, renal, and cerebral organs. Its essential function revolves around the enzymatic degradation of fructose, an intrinsic saccharide abundantly present in a variety of botanical produce, including fruits, vegetables, natural nectar, and diverse sweetening agents.  

  • Alcoholic energy drink

    Caffeinated alcoholic beverages refer to malt liquors infused with not only elevated levels of alcohol but also added caffeine, occasionally accompanied by other stimulating substances.  

  • Alcohol use disorders inventory test

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has devised an alcohol use assessment tool known as the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test). Comprising 10 inquiries, this test delves into three distinct domains of alcohol consumption spanning a 12-month duration. It examines the quantity and regularity of drinking, the presence of alcohol dependence, and the issues encountered…

  • Albers-schonberg disease

    The most common type of osteopetrosis is known as autosomal dominant osteopetrosis (ADO).  

  • Aids-related kaposi’s sarcoma

    In the early stages of the AIDS epidemic, a distinct variant of Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) emerged, standing as one of the initial illnesses closely linked to affected patients. This particular form of KS manifests with tumors primarily appearing on the upper body, the regions of the soft palate, and the gums. As the disease progresses,…

  • Aggravated sexual abuse

    Within the realm of human suffering, a distressing reality manifests—the coerced submission of an individual to engage in sexual acts against their will. This grievous violation unfolds through the exertion of physical force, menacing threats of harm, including death, injury, or abduction, or the administration of substances that render the victim unconscious or mentally impaired.…

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