Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Anemia of chronic disease

    A hematological disorder arising from a medical condition that impacts the generation and lifespan of red blood cells.  

  • Anal sphincter muscles

    The muscular structures responsible for the regulation of the anus, facilitating its opening and closing, are commonly referred to as anal sphincters.  

  • Anagrelide

    Anagrelide, an orphan drug, has received approval for the investigational treatment of patients with polycythemia vera (PV). Its mechanism of action involves regulating the platelet count within the bloodstream.  

  • Anaerobic bacteria

    Obligate anaerobic bacteria, a distinct group of microorganisms, exhibit a unique characteristic of being unable to grow or multiply in the presence of oxygen. Their survival and reproductive capabilities rely solely on environments devoid of oxygen.  

  • Amniotic membrane

    The delicate membrane responsible for constructing the boundaries of the amniotic sac.  

  • Amniotic band

    A deviant state in the developmental progression of a fetus, characterized by the formation of anomalous fibrous bands of tissue extending from the amniotic sac. These bands ensnare and restrict certain regions of the baby’s body, impeding regular growth and occasionally resulting in congenital amputation.  

  • Ambulatory monitors

    Within the realm of cardiac diagnostics, a collection of diminutive and portable electrocardiograph machines emerges, dedicated to capturing the symphony of the heart’s rhythm. These ingenious contrivances, known as ambulatory monitors, offer a range of options to suit various diagnostic needs. Among their ranks, we encounter the esteemed Holter monitor, the loop recorder, and the…

  • Ambulatory monitoring

    In the realm of cardiovascular diagnostics, a fascinating endeavor emerges—an extended period of electrocardiogram (ECG) recording, wherein the patient retains the freedom to navigate their surroundings. This innovative approach allows for a dynamic exploration of the heart’s electrical activity, unhindered by the constraints of immobility. It is as if the rhythmic symphony of cardiac signals…

  • Alvarado score

    Doctors employ a scoring system consisting of ten points to assess the probability of a patient having acute appendicitis.    

  • Alternative therapy

    When a therapy is utilized in lieu of conventional treatments, it is commonly referred to as an alternative approach.  

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