Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Asperger syndrome

    Children who exhibit autistic behavior without language difficulties or significant cognitive delays. A developmental disorder typically identified during childhood, characterized by stilted speech, challenges in social interactions, and highly specific interests, is known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Individuals with ASD typically exhibit normal or high intelligence levels. Asperger’s syndrome falls within the category of…

  • Asherman’s syndrome

    The discontinuation of menstrual cycles and/or infertility resulting from the presence of intrauterine adhesions.  

  • Asexuality

    A diminished inclination towards engaging in sexual activity or experiencing a lack of sexual attraction towards others. It is important to distinguish this from abstinence, which is a deliberate behavioral decision rather than a natural lack of interest or attraction.  

  • Arthroscopic knee surgery

    A surgical procedure conducted to inspect or mend internal tissues within the knee joint utilizing a specialized instrument called an arthroscope.  

  • Arthrosclerosis

    A medical condition characterized by the narrowing of arteries due to the accumulation of fatty deposits.  

  • Artherosclerotic plaque

    A buildup of fatty and calcium deposits occurs within the inner lining of the artery wall, leading to the constriction of blood flow.  

  • Arterial embolism

    A thrombus originating from a distinct site and obstructing an artery.  

  • Arterial blood gases test

    A blood examination aimed at scrutinizing the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and the pH (acidity) within the blood. This test serves as a means to assess the efficiency of respiration.  

  • Arteminisinins

    The realm of antimalarial solutions encompasses a lineage of products stemming from an age-old herbal curative method hailing from China. Within this assortment, artemether and artesunate emerge as the most sought-after strains, predominantly employed in the landscapes of Southeast Asia in conjunction with mefloquine.  

  • Area postrema

    A diminutive, tongue-like formation positioned on the lower surface of the fourth ventricle within the brain.  

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