Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Benign prostate hyperplasia

    An ailment affecting the prostate gland, known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), entails the noncancerous proliferation of prostate tissue. This excessive growth leads to the enlargement of the prostate, consequently causing obstruction of the urinary flow and difficulties in urination.  

  • Bem sex role inventory

    A self-administered test consisting of 60 items, frequently employed by researchers to assess psychological androgyny in individuals, was devised by Sandra Bem in 1971.  

  • Behavioral therapy

    An approach to treatment that centers around the suppression of undesirable behavior while simultaneously cultivating and promoting desired behavior.  

  • Basal cell cancer

    The prevailing type of skin cancer, frequently encountered, typically manifests as one or multiple nodules characterized by a central depression. While it rarely metastasizes, meaning it has limited tendency to spread to other parts of the body, it does exhibit invasive behavior within the local vicinity.  

  • Barrett’s syndrome

    This condition, alternatively known as Barrett’s esophagus or Barrett’s epithelia, entails a notable transformation within the esophagus, whereby the typical squamous epithelial cells that line its inner surface are substituted by thicker columnar epithelial cells.  

  • Barium x-ray

    In the domain of medical examinations, a specialized X-ray test is conducted to scrutinize the upper section of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, encompassing the esophagus, stomach, and a segment of the small intestine. Prior to this procedure, the patient is administered a solution composed of barium sulfate, exhibiting a distinctive white and chalky appearance, which…

  • Bacterial vaginitis

    The term used to describe inflammation of the vagina resulting from a bacterial infection.  

  • Bacterial osteomyelitis

    An infectious condition caused by bacteria that specifically targets the bone or bone marrow.  

  • Bacillus calmette-guerin

    A vaccine created using a weakened form of a bacillus that closely resembles the bacterium causing tuberculosis. This vaccine is designed to aid in the prevention of severe pulmonary tuberculosis and its associated complications.  

  • B lymphocyte

    A vital component of the body’s immune system, B cells are a type of lymphocyte or white blood cell. Their mature form is responsible for generating specialized proteins called immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies.  

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