Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Biofield healing

    A broad classification encompassing various alternative therapeutic modalities rooted in the notion that the human body is enveloped by an energetic field, often referred to as an aura, which mirrors the state of an individual’s physical and spiritual well-being. The restoration or harmonization of this energy field is believed to promote healing in both the…

  • Biofeedback

    An approach wherein an individual is instructed in the deliberate management of the body’s reaction to a given stimulus.  

  • Biochemical testing

    The quantification or evaluation of the quantity or functional efficacy of a specific enzyme or protein within a specimen of blood, urine, or other bodily tissue.  

  • Biliverdin

    A verdant pigment present in bile, generated through the process of heme oxidation. It bears a striking resemblance to bilirubin, sharing an almost identical bilin structure.  

  • Bibliotherapy

    The utilization of books, typically self-help or troubleshooting literature, to enhance one’s comprehension of personal challenges and/or to alleviate distressing emotions.  

  • Beta human chorionic gonadotropin

    A biomarker connected with testicular cancer and tumors, including choriocarcinoma and molar pregnancies, which initiate from specialized placental cells called trophoblasts.  

  • Beta-amyloid plaques

    Senile plaques are formations within the brain consisting of expired or deteriorating nerve cells and cellular fragments, encompassing accumulations of beta-amyloid protein. These structures serve as a diagnostic indicator for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The presence of beta-amyloid arises when the breakdown of amyloid precursor protein (APP) does not occur adequately.  

  • Beta radiation

    Flowing currents of electrons discharged by beta emitters such as carbon-14 and radium.  

  • Beta 2-microglobulin

    A protein generated by B-cells, characterized by elevated levels in the bloodstream, serving as an indicator for the presence of multiple myeloma.  

  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy

    Prostate enlargement, a noncancerous condition, can give rise to various urinary complications and other associated symptoms. Enlargement of the prostate gland is commonly observed in men who are over 50 years old. The reason for this increase in size is not clearly understood. The growing prostate squeezes and warps the urethra, leading to restricted urine…

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