Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Dark field

    A microscopy methodology involving the illumination of organisms at an inclined angle, resulting in their distinct brightness against a contrasting dark background.  

  • Dacron graft

    A fabricated polyester fiber employed in surgical procedures with meticulous precision to rejuvenate and rectify affected regions of the myocardium (heart muscle) and the endothelial linings of blood vessels.  

  • Dacron

    An artificial polyester fiber employed in surgical procedures to restore and mend compromised segments of the myocardium (heart muscle) and the walls of blood vessels.  

  • Cytostatic drug

    A medication capable of impeding or thwarting the process of cellular division and proliferation.  

  • Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator

    In certain tissues, there exists a protein accountable for governing the transport of chloride across cells. When an individual possesses two faulty copies of the CFTR gene, it leads to the manifestation of cystic fibrosis.  

  • Cyclical neutropenia

    Within this uncommon genetic hematological condition, the individual encounters a decline in neutrophil count, plunging below 500/mm3 for a duration of six to eight days, repeating at three-week intervals.  

  • Cross-tolerant

    When a drug produces a similar pharmacological effect as another drug, it is regarded as cross-tolerant. Such cross-tolerant drugs are frequently employed in the treatment of withdrawal syndromes.  

  • Criminalistics

    In the realm of crime investigations, there exists a broad category encompassing diverse analytical techniques. These techniques serve the purpose of gathering valuable evidence and include the analysis of fingerprints, trace evidence, tire tracks, footprints, ballistics, toolmarks, and various other methods.  

  • Creatinine clearance rate

    Creatinine, a substance found in the bloodstream, undergoes a process called clearance, which refers to its removal from the plasma and subsequent excretion in the urine. By observing the disparity between creatinine levels in the plasma and urine, we can gain insights into the rate at which the kidneys filter blood, known as the glomerular…

  • Craniocaudal

    Employing a head-to-tail X-ray beam projected directly above the region under examination.  

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