Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Abiotrophy

    Loss of vitality, degeneration of cells and tissues, those involved in hereditary degenerative disorders. Degeneration or loss of function without apparent cause; for example, retinal abiotrophy is progressive degeneration of the retina leading to impaired vision, occurring in genetic disorders such as ‘retinitis pigmentosa. Premature loss of vitality or degeneration of tissues and cells with…

  • Abducens muscle

    Lateral rectus muscle of the eyeball, responsible for turning the eye outward.  

  • Abdominovesical

    To the abdomen and urinary bladder.  

  • Abdominocentesis

    Surgical puncture into the belly, generally to remove fluid or other material for diagnosis. Puncture of the abdomen with an instrument for withdrawal of fluid from the abdominal cavity. The surgical procedure involving the removal of fluid from the abdominal cavity, which can result from liver disease or the presence of a growth.  

  • Abdominal delivery

    Delivery of a child through an incision in the abdomen.  

  • Abdominal breathing

    Breathing in which the abdominal muscles perform the major part of the respiratory effort. Such breathing may be seen in various abnormal conditions (cerebrovascular accident, spinal cord injury, coma). Singers practice this method to enhance their vocal performance. Also known as diaphragmatic breathing; breathing that involves drawing the first part of the breath into the…

  • Abate

    To make or become less severe, strong, or intense; often used in regard to a patient’s symptoms.  

  • Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

    Species infecting many animals, especially rodents, and an epidemic risk in small animal houses. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is the only motile member of this and the allied genera, and then only at 18 – 26°C; poor but evident growth on MacConkey; urease producer. A species that causes pseudotuberculosis in humans.  

  • Widal test

    Serological test originally employed for the diagnosis of typhoid – paratyphoid fevers by demonstrating agglutination of suspensions of known organisms by dilutions of patient’s serum. Test to detect typhoid fever and other salmonella infections.  

  • Whey broth

    Peptone – milk medium of slightly acid reaction for the cultivation of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Agar may be added.  

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