Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Achromia

    Absence of normal color, as in albinism. The condition of being an albino, also known as achroma.  

  • Achromatism

    State of seeing gray tones instead of colors; colorlessness.  

  • Achromasia

    Condition in which there is less pigment in the skin than is normal; pallor. Absence of normal pigmentation of the skin as in albinism, vitiligo, or leukoderma.  

  • Acephalia

    Absence of the head, as in the development of some monsters; also, acephalism, acephaly.  

  • Acathexia

    Inability to retain bodily secretions.  

  • Acataphasia

    Condition in which a central nervous system lesion leaves one unable to express thoughts in an organized manner. An inability to choose words that accurately reflect thoughts and/or to speak correct words due to a cerebral lesion.  

  • Acantholysis

    Breakdown of the thorny-cell layer of the epidermis (e.g., in the skin disorder pemphigus). Any disease of the skin accompanied by degeneration of the cohesive elements of the cells of the outer or homy layer of the skin.    

  • Acanthocyte

    Abnormal red blood cell (erythrocyte) with irregular projections of protoplasm, giving it a spiny or thorny appearance. An abnormal erythrocyte that in wet preparations has cytoplasmic projections so that the cell appears to be covered with thorns.  

  • Abrachia

    Condition of having no arms. A developmental abnormality marked by the total absence of arms.  

  • Ablepharia

    Condition in which the eyelids are small or absent; also called ablephary. Congenital defect of eyelid formation, eyelid is either absent or reduced in size. Wearing down of a surface, such as skin, by rubbing or scraping. Absence of or reduction in the size of the eyelids. Congenital absence of or reduction in the size…

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