Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Afterhearing

    Continuing sensation of hearing a sound that has actually stopped. The experience of perceiving sounds that have already ceased.  

  • Aerodontalgia

    Pain in the teeth resulting from change in air pressure, as in flying or climbing a mountain. The abrupt onset of dental discomfort can arise due to alterations in air pressure in the vicinity. When flying at elevated altitudes where atmospheric pressure is diminished, there exists the potential for an expansion of air within the…

  • Aerate

    To charge with air or oxygen.  

  • Advancement

    Act of freeing a part (e.g., a tendon) and reattaching it surgically at another (advanced) place. The detachment by surgery of a muscle or tendon from its normal attachment site and its reattachment at a more advanced (anterior) point. The technique is used, for example, in the treatment of squint or in repositioning the womb.…

  • Adrenalectomize

    Destroy or eliminate adrenal gland function either by removal of both glands, total destruction of the blood supply, or experimentally, by toxic drugs.  

  • Adnexa

    Accessory parts that enable an organ to function; for example, the adnexa of the eye are the eyelids, tear glands, and tear ducts, and the fallopian tubes are adnexa of the uterus. Connecting parts of a structure; as demonstrated in the uterine adnexa, which includes the uterine tubes, ovaries, and uterine ligaments. Adjoining parts. For…

  • Adjunct

    Something that is added, as an accessory agent or procedure. An addition to the principal procedure or course of therapy.  

  • Adiponecrosis

    Death of fat cells or fatty tissue in the body.  

  • Adenomyosis

    Condition in which the endometrium (lining of the uterus) grows into the uterine muscle tissue; also called adenomyometritis. A condition characterized by abnormal menstrual pain, typically affecting women in their 40s. As a woman ages, endometrial tissue can become embedded in the muscular wall of the uterus. As a result, a woman may experience bleeding…

  • Adenomyomatosis

    Condition in which many nodules develop in the tissues of or around the uterus.  

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