Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Alba

    General term meaning white, for some structures, tissues, or diseases (e.g., linea alba, white line of the front of the abdomen, between two muscles); also called albicans.  

  • Akaryocyte

    Cell without a nucleus, such as an erythrocyte (red blood cell).  

  • Agromania

    Strong desire to be alone or out in open space. A pathologically strong impulse to live alone in open country. An unhealthy urge to be isolated or in solitude.  

  • Agranulocyte

    A type of white blood cell (leukocyte) that lacks intracellular granules when observed under the microscope; includes lymphocytes and monocytes. Note the term agranulocytosis, however, refers to the absence of granulocytes (“a” = without + granulocytosis). A nongranular white blood cell (e.g., lymphocyte or a monocyte). A variety of white blood cell that lacks granules.…

  • Agonadal

    Lacking gonads, or sex glands.  

  • Agent orange

    Chemical defoliant mixture containing the toxic substance dioxin, used during the Vietnam War as a means of removing underbrush, and containing a poison that can adversely affect the skin, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. Since die war ended, thousands of veterans have filed lawsuits against the U.S. government and the manufacturers of Agent Orange, seeking…

  • Agastria

    Absence of the stomach, usually as a result of surgical removal.  

  • Agalorrhea

    Stopping or limiting of milk flow from the breasts.  

  • Aftertaste

    Persistence of a taste sensation after the stimulus is gone. Persistence of gustatory sensations after cessation of the stimulus. A lingering taste that remains even after the food has been ingested.  

  • Afterimage

    Continuing sensation of seeing an image that is no longer visible. Image that persists subjectively after cessation of the stimulus. If colors are the same as those of the object, it is called positive; it is called negative if complementary colors are seen. In the former case, the image is seen in its natural bright…

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