Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Angle

    Anguli, shape formed by the joining of two lines or parts (e.g., costovertebral angle, formed by the attachment of the lowest rib to the spinal column at the lumbar region); also called angulus. The figure or space outlined by the diverging of two lines from a common point or by the meeting of two planes.…

  • Angiotelectasia

    Condition characterized by dilation and enlargement of arterioles.  

  • Angiologist

    Physician who specializes in angiology.  

  • Anecdotal

    Not based upon systematic collection of scientific data; based upon experience or hearsay evidence. Certain medical practices are said to be based on anecdotal evidence only. The quality of results from isolated observations not yet verified by statistical analysis of a larger body of data.  

  • Analbuminemia

    Abnormally low level of albumin in the blood serum.  

  • Amyoplasia

    Deficiency in muscular development. The most common form of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, a disease of bone and muscle in which children are born with multiple contracted joints.  

  • Amrinone

    Drug used intravenously in heart failure; it increases the strength of contraction of the myocardium via a mechanism independent of other agents such as digitalis or nitroglycerin. Adverse effects include reduction in the platelet count, which is reversible.  

  • Amplitude

    Size, magnitude, extent of anything; in medicine, often refers to the height of a wave, such as on an electrocardiogram. Amount, extent, size, abundance, or fullness. Tube travel refers to the distance covered by the x-ray tube during the exposure of tomographic radiography or any body section x-ray equipment. As the tube travels a greater…

  • Amphoric breath sound

    Abnormal hollow sound heard with a stethoscope that indicates a cavity in the lung.  

  • Ammoniuria

    Presence of excessive ammonia in the urine.  

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