Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Athlete’s heart

    Oversized heart commonly found in professional athletes and those trained for endurance; it is believed to result from overexertion for an extended period. The heart’s increased pumping capacity delivers more oxygen to the skeletal muscles. Enlargement of the heart as a result of prolonged physical training (e.g., the aerobic exercise of running). This is not…

  • Atherectomy

    Procedure used to treat coronary artery disease in which a small catheter is passed into the involved artery by way of a percutaneous incision. The catheter contains a small blade that rotates and shaves away a portion of the obstructive atherosclerotic debris, which is collected in a chamber and discarded. Although used in several larger…

  • Ataraxis

    Mental calm esp. when consciousness is unimpaired.  

  • Ataraxic drug

    Tranquilizer; sedative drug that does not produce sleep.  

  • Astemizole

    Antihistamine drug used in the treatment of allergy and rhinitis. Side effects include drowsiness; overdoses of this drug may result in severe cardiac arrhythmias.  

  • Asbestos

    Fiberlike, fire-resistant mineral commonly used as an insulator and roofing material; now implicated in causing lung disease (asbestosis) (even when inhaled in small amounts and for a limited time) and as a carcinogen. A tough, nearly indestructible fiber composed of mineral silicates. There are four types of asbestos: crocidolite, amosite, chrysotile, and tremolite. Asbestos exists…

  • Artificial skin

    Synthetic (e.g., plastic, cowhide collagen, shark cartilage) two-layer covering used experimentally to treat bum victims.  

  • Artificial organ

    Synthetic device to replace a natural organ or to assist its function (e.g., artificial heart, artificial kidney, artificial pancreas).  

  • Artificial heart

    Device designed to replace the heart and to pump blood throughout the body. An artificial heart (the Jarvik heart) was implanted in a human for the first time in late 1982 and worked in the patient for over 110 days, before he died of complications. Work on these devices is continuing. A mechanical device that…

  • Artificial blood

    Fluid that can carry large amounts of oxygen and is being used as a temporary substitute for blood. The most common is known as Fluosol-DA; it is similar to Teflon and made up of inert perfluorochemicals. Most clinical studies have involved persons who are seriously in need of blood but refuse blood transfusions (e.g., on…

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