Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bidet

    Toilet-like basin designed to clean the genital and perineal areas by way of hand- controlled, small jets of water. A basin used for cleaning the perineum.  

  • Battered spouse

    Man or (more often) woman who is the victim of repeated episodes of physical violence, usually accompanied by verbal abuse. This often leads to serious physical and psychological damage being inflicted By the marriage partner. For a variety of reasons including physical, cultural, and personality factors, women are far more likely than men to suffer…

  • Battered elderly

    Older adult victim of physical and emotional violence inflicted by another adult, often a relative. The injury may occur under circumstances that make it appear accidental when, in reality, this is not the case. Frequently the victim is afraid or reluctant (particularly when the abuser is a son or daughter) to report the violence.  

  • Battered child

    Infant, child, or adolescent who has been seriously injured, generally many times, by one or more adults, frequently the parent(s), whose mistreatment of the victim shows a pattern of abnormal, abusive behavior.  

  • Bathyesthesia

    Sensation in the deeper parts of the body (e.g., the muscles and joints), as opposed to the skin. A consciousness or sensibility of parts of the body beneath the skin.  

  • Bathycardia

    Unusually low placement of the heart, not caused by disease.  

  • Bashfulness

    Chronic behavior response of self-consciouness, timidity, and avoidance of personal attention in public; a withdrawing, self-conscious temperament.  

  • Basal metabolism test

    Measurement of oxygen intake by a person about 14 hours after eating as an indication of the amount of energy required to maintain vital body functions (e.g., circulation, respiration, digestion). Breathing into a tube that leads to a measuring apparatus, the person remains at rest (but does not sleep) during the test. For each interval…

  • Barbiturism

    Poisoning resulting from the use of barbiturates, marked by slurred speech, sleepiness, loss of memory, disorientation, and in serious cases, depressed respiration, coma, and death. Addiction to drugs of the barbiturate group. Signs of intoxication include confusion, slurring of speech, yawning, sleepiness, loss of memory, loss of balance, and reduction in muscular reflexes. Withdrawal of…

  • Barber’s itch

    Inflammation of the hair follicles of the face, caused by bacterial or fungal infection. Folliculitis of the hair follicles of the beard; usually caused by staphylococcal or fungal infection.  

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