Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Blood-letting

    Process of removing blood from the body. An ancient practice, generally discarded for centuries, it has recently become the object of renewed interest, esp. in the form of plasmapheresis, the removal of the fluid plasma from the blood.  

  • Blood substitute

    Substance (e.g., plasma, packed blood cells) used to replace or expand the volume of blood. An oxygen-carrying fluid that can be used in place of human blood products for transfusion therapy. Candidate substances that have been investigated for this purpose include polymerized hemoglobin and fluorinated hydrocarbons.  

  • Blood crossmatching

    Mixing of the red blood cells (erythrocytes) of a donor with the blood serum of a potential recipient to determine whether the blood is compatible and can be used for transfusion.  

  • Bloat

    Swelling or filling with gas, as in abdominal distension.  

  • Blennuria

    Presence of mucus in the urine.  

  • Blastocele

    Liquid- filled cavity of the early ball-shaped embryo (blastula). By increasing the embryo’s surface area, the blastocele assists in the absorption of oxygen and nutrients.  

  • Black lung disease

    Condition marked by increasing loss of lung function (pneumoconiosis), resulting from continuous inhalation of coal dust or other substances; it is prevalent among coal miners. Evidence shows that smoking tobacco may seriously aggravate the condition. Also called coal miner’s lung.  

  • Bisphosphonates

    General name for a family of medicines that slow the action of osteoclasts, decrease bone resorption, and slow bone loss. They also decrease the risks for fracture in both men and women. Commonly used drugs include etidronate (Didronel), alendronate (Fosamax), and risedronate (Actonel). A class of nonhormonal drugs used to treat bone and calcium metabolism…

  • Bisect

    To divide into two parts or to separate one part from another.  

  • Bioelectromagnetics

    Unconventional use of electromagnetic fields for medical purposes.  

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