Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Butterfly rash

    Red, scaly eruption on both cheeks with a narrow band across the nose, characteristic of certain diseases (e.g., lupus erythematosus, rosacea). A rash on both cheeks joined by an extension across the bridge of the nose. It is seen in systemic lupus erythematosus, especially after the patient’s face has been exposed to sunlight, and in…

  • Burn center

    Facility specially designed for the care of severely burned persons. A highly specialized facility in a tertiary care center, set up with specially trained physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals, and with special equipment, to care for severely burned individuals. Only a handful of burn centers are found in the United States, and the practice…

  • Bulk cathartic

    Laxative that acts by softening and increasing the mass of fecal matter.  

  • Buffered aspirin

    Aspirin that has been combined with one or more other chemicals to prevent change in the aspirin’s composition under certain circumstances, as in passing through the stomach. Buffered aspirin was formulated to help persons who become ill as the result of the action of gastric juice on ordinary aspirin.  

  • Bromide poisoning

    Poisoning caused by excessive intake of bromides; symptoms include vomiting, confusion, hallucinations, irritability, a skin rash, and sometimes coma; also called brominism. Poisoning due to an overdose of bromide.  

  • Breathing

    Action of taking air into the lungs and then letting it out, a process normally done without thinking and controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The process of taking air into the lungs and letting it out again. In breathing, air is inhaled into the lungs through the nose or mouth as a result of…

  • Brainstem

    Portion of the brain that connects with the spinal cord and includes all parts of the brain (e.g., pons, medulla oblongata) except the cerebrum and cerebellum. The enlarged extension upward within the skull of the spinal cord, consisting of the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain. The pons and medulla are together known as…

  • Brain rhythm

    Characteristic pattern of electrical activity (voltage) in the brain, recordable as a wave-form tracing (electroencephalogram). There are four basic brain rhythms: alpha rhythm, beta rhythm, delta rhythm, and theta rhythm.  

  • Bradylalia

    Extremely slow speech due to brain lesion.  

  • Bradykinesis

    Abnormal slowness of all voluntary activity, including speech, caused by disease or sometimes tranquilizer use.  

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