Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Chemiosmosis

    Major form of energy production during cellular respiration where protons are pumped across mitochondral membranes. Once a gradient is established, enzymes use the energy of the protons to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP).  

  • Cheiromegaly

    Condition in which the hands are abnormally large.  

  • Cervical disc syndrome

    Abnormal condition caused by compression of cervical (neck region) nerve roots, resulting from trauma or degenerative disease or other factors, that produces pain in the neck region, often radiating to the shoulder, arm, and hand, paresthesia, and some muscular weakness. Treatment may involve analgesics, immobilization of the area to allow rest, traction, and, if severe,…

  • Cephalhematoma

    Collection of blood beneath the scalp of a newborn caused by pressure during birth. A birth injury in which a hemorrhage forms underneath the periosteum, the membrane covering the baby’s skull. Swelling is usually not visible until several hours after birth. Rarely, a cephalhematoma is a sign of an underlying skull fracture. Such fractures are…

  • Centrifugation

    Separation of media or particles by spinning them in suspension, the heavier materials being whirled to the outer part of the container; used, e.g., to separate blood cells from plasma in un-clotted blood.  

  • Centesis

    Puncture (by hollow needle) of a cavity or organ to draw out fluid (e.g., amniocentesis).  

  • Celioscopy

    Examination of the abdomen by means of an instrument (endoscope) inserted through an incision in the abdomen wall. The technique of introducing an endoscope through an incision in the abdominal wall to examine the intestines and other organs within the abdominal cavity. Examination of a body cavity through a celioscope.  

  • Celiocentesis

    Hollow-needle puncture into the abdomen to remove materials for diagnostic examination.  

  • Cefuroxime

    oral/parenteral cephalosporin antibiotic indicated for moderately severe infections of the lungs, urinary tract (including gonorrhea), ears, throat, and, in some cases, the meninges.  

  • Ceftazidime

    Parenteral cephalosporin antibiotic used in the treatment of moderate to severe infections. The incidence of adverse effects is low.  

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