Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cryopreservation

    Preserving of any body tissue or fluid at low temperature so that it may be used again in the future. Commonly used to preserve sperm for artificial insemination procedures. The use of extremely low temperatures to preserve sperm or embryos for use at a later time. Frozen sperm can be thawed and used for artificial…

  • Cryoglobulin

    Abnormal protein that separates from a solution (precipitates), such as blood, when cooled and dissolves when reheated to body temperature. Cryoglobulins are found in the blood in conjunction with certain tumors, as well as some types of pneumonia. Immunoglobulins that precipitate only in cold temperatures; found mainly in the presence of blood vessel illness. An…

  • Cryocautery

    Instrument for destroying tissue by freezing it. A device for application of cold sufficient to kill tissue.  

  • Cryoanesthesia

    Insensibility resulting from deep cold. The topical cooling of body parts (e.g., with ice or liquid nitrogen) to reduce pain or permit surgery. The topical cooling of body parts (e.g., with ice or liquid nitrogen) to reduce pain or permit surgery.  

  • Cromolyn

    Inhaled powder used in the long-term treatment of asthma; use during an acute attack may markedly aggravate the patient’s condition.  

  • Costochondritis

    Inflammation at the junction of a rib and its cartilage. Usually viral in nature, this is commonly associated with chest pain (worsened on inspiration) and point tenderness, and may mimic the pain associated with diseases of the heart or lung. Patients with cos-tochrondritis may hyperventilate, leading to a sensation of shortness of breath (dyspnea). An…

  • Coronary insufficiency

    Abnormally limited blood flow through the arteries supplying the heart muscle, which can cause chest pain (angina). Obstruction to the flow of blood through the coronary arteries, resulting in an inadequate supply of blood relative to the metabolic demands of the heart muscle.  

  • Coronary care unit

    Hospital area specially equipped and staffed to treat patients with serious, life-threatening cardiac problems. A part of the hospital dedicated to treating people with serious acute heart disease; commonly abbreviated as CCU. The CCU combines specialized equipment for constant electronic monitoring of heart function with highly trained personnel who can detect the signs and symptoms…

  • Coronary artery bypass

    Type of open-heart surgery in which a section of a blood vessel (e.g., the saphenous vein) is grafted from the aorta onto a coronary artery in an effort to improve the blood supply to the heart by bypassing a diseased or blocked section of the coronary artery. If effective, better cardiac function and reduced angina…

  • Corneum

    Outermost, horny layer (stratum corneum) of the skin; upper layer of the epidermis.  

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