Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Encapsulation

    Process of enclosing something in a covering; the condition of being enclosed in a capsule, as the tendons or nerves are enclosed in membranous sheaths. Enclosure in a sheath not normal to the part.  

  • Encanthis

    A small growth at the inner angle of the eyelids. An excrescence or new growth at the inner angle of the eye.  

  • Encainide

    Antiarrhythmic dmg used in the treatment of life-threatening arrhythmias. Adverse effects include the exacerbation of arrhythmias and diarrhea. It is generally recommended that administration of this agent be started in a hospital.  

  • Emulsify

    Form into an emulsion, a mixture of two liquids that are not totally soluble within each other.  

  • Empiric

    To treatment of disease based on observation and experience, not on knowledge of the specific causes or mechanisms of the disease.  

  • Embalming

    Preserving a dead body or body parts, usually for burial, by injecting a preservative solution such as formaldehyde. Usually done within 48 hours of death. The preservation of a dead body by the introduction of chemical compounds that delay putrefaction. The ancient Egyptians raised the process to a fine art in the production of their…

  • Elution

    Separation of one material from another by washing; used in chemistry in reference to washing ions from ion- exchange resins. In chemistry, separation of one material from another by washing. If a material contains water-soluble and water-insoluble materials, the passage of water (the eluent) through the mixture will remove the portion that is water soluble…

  • Elementary particles

    Particle of which other, larger particles are composed. For example, atoms are made up of smaller particles known as electrons, protons, and neutrons. The proton and neutron, in turn, are composed of more elementary particles known as quarks. The subatomic parts of the atomic nucleus.  

  • Electrosleep

    Sleep that is brought about by applying a controlled electric current to the head. The procedure has been used in treating mental and emotional disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression, insomnia). Sleep produced by the passage of mild electrical impulses through parts of the brain.  

  • Electron microscope

    Instrument that is similar to a light microscope but uses a beam of electrons, not light, to scan surfaces and create an image; magnification 1,000 times that of an optical microscope is possible. A microscope that uses a beam of electrons as a radiation source for viewing the specimen. The resolving power (ability to register…

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