Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Epikeratophakia

    Shaping of a piece of donated cornea to the eye of a patient who has had a cataract removed. Called a living contact lens, the added tissue bends the light to focus on the retina. The technique has been used on babies born with cataracts and also for correction of keratoconus and myopia. A surgical…

  • Epidural anesthesia

    Injection of local anesthesia into the epidural space of the spinal column to achieve regional anesthesia of the abdominal, genital, or pelvic area; widely used in vaginal childbirth. Cesarean delivery, and gynecologic surgery. A method of anesthetizing the lower half of the body by administering medication into the epidural space (a narrow area around the…

  • Epicondylitis

    Painful inflammation of the muscles and soft tissue around the elbow, usually caused by excessive strain, as in tennis or golf, or by carrying a heavy load. Treatment includes rest and injection of pain-relieving drugs into the joint area. Inflammation of the elbow joint at the point of the articular surfaces of the humerus. A…

  • Epicardia

    That part of the esophagus between the diaphragm and the stomach. The part of the esophagus, about 2 cm long, that extends from the level of the diaphragm to the stomach. The abdominal portion of the esophagus extending from the diaphragm to the stomach, about 2 cm in length.  

  • Enteropathic

    Capable of causing disease in any part of the intestine. The term “enteropathic” refers to any condition or organism associated with intestinal diseases, affecting the main part of the digestive tract from the stomach exit to the anus. Enteropathic bacteria, for instance, are species that can lead to intestinal diseases. Additionally, enteropathic arthritis refers to…

  • Enterolithiasis

    Presence of stone-like formations in the intestines.  

  • Engorge

    To fill to the limit of expansion.  

  • Enflurane

    Nonflammable gas used as a general anesthetic. A volatile inhalational anaesthetic similar to halothane but less potent and less likely to have toxic effects on the liver. Enflurane is a liquid combined with oxygen and inhaled as a vapor to induce and sustain general anesthesia. However, it is essential to note that enflurane may rarely cause…

  • Endocranium

    Membrane lining the inside of the skull. The dura mater of the brain, which forms the lining membrane of the cranium.  

  • Encephalogram

    X-ray of the brain made by withdrawing cerebrospinal fluid and replacing it with a gas (e.g., oxygen). It is a risky procedure, used when computed tomography is not definitive, and used in diagnosis of hydrocephalus and other abnormalities. A radiograph of the brain, usually performed with air in the ventricles as a contrast medium. This…

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