Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Fever blister

    Cold sore caused by herpes virus. A localized viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. Fever blisters, also called cold sores, usually involve small areas of skin on the border of the lip, inside the mouth, on the gums or tongue, or on the inner surface of the cheeks. A primary infection…

  • Fetoprotein

    Antigen that occurs naturally in the fetus and sometimes in adults with certain cancers. A greater-than-normal amount of alpha fetoprotein (AFP) in the fetus often indicates an abnormality of the neural tube (e.g., hydrocephalus or spina bifida). An antigen present in the human fetus and in certain pathological conditions in adults. The amniotic fluid level…

  • Fetometry

    Measurement of a fetus, especially the diameter of the head. Estimation of the size, age, and growth of a fetus using ultrasonography. Estimation of fetal size (e.g., biparietal diameter and crown-rump length), age, and growth, typically using ultrasonography.  

  • Fetology

    That branch of medicine concerned with the fetus in the uterus, including the diagnosis and treatment of abnormalities.  

  • Fetid

    Having a foul odor.  

  • Fetal movement

    Motion of the fetus itself within the uterus. The motion is usually first detected by a woman pregnant for the first time at about the 16th week of pregnancy, some¬ what earlier in those who have had previous pregnancies. Muscular movements performed by the fetus in utero. During the developmental stages of pregnancy, a growing…

  • Fetal heart rate

    Number of heartbeats in the fetus during a given time, normally between Too and 160 beats per minute but varying with cycles of rest and activity and maternal condition. The fetal heart rate is detected through the use of a fetoscope or fetal monitor.  

  • Fetal circulation

    System of blood vessels and special structures through which blood moves in the fetus. The fetus is attached to the mother’s placenta through the umbilical cord. Maternal oxygenated blood from the placenta travels through the umbilical vein to the liver of the fetus and from there through the inferior vena cava to the right atrium…

  • Feminization

    Development of womanlike changes (e.g., breast enlargement, loss of facial hair) in a male because of endocrine (hormonal) disorder or the administration of certain drugs. The development of female secondary sexual characteristics (enlargement of the breasts, loss of facial hair, and fat beneath the skin) in the male, either as a result of an endocrine…

  • Fellatio

    Sucking the penis or otherwise stimulating it with the mouth. Oral stimulation of a man’s penis with a partner’s mouth and tongue.  

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