Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Flank

    Part of the body between the ribs and the upper border of the ilium. The part of the body between the ribs and the upper border of the ilium. The term also refers loosely to the outer side of the thigh, hip, and buttock.  

  • Flaccid paralysis

    Abnormality characterized by weakness or loss of muscle tone due to disease or injury to the nerves affecting the involved muscles. Defective, poor, or absent muscle control caused by a nerve lesion. Paralysis in which there is loss of muscle tone, loss or reduction of tendon reflexes, and atrophy and degeneration of muscles. It is…

  • Flaccid bladder

    Type of malfunctioning bladder caused by interruption of the normal reflex arc associated with voiding; symptoms include absence of bladder sensation, overfilling of the bladder, and inability to urinate voluntarily.  

  • Field

    Area, as that seen through a microscope (microscopic field). Regional anesthesia in which a limited operative area is walled off by an anesthetic. In interlaced scanning television for X-ray equipment, a frame is divided into multiple equal parts known as fields. Each field encompasses a complete scanning sequence from the top to the bottom of…

  • Fibroplasia

    Development of fibrous connective tissue, such as in scar formation. Sometimes occurs in non-injured areas, such as the blood vessels, leading to narrowing and decreased flow. The reasons are unclear. Overproduction of fibrous tissue. The production of fibrous tissue, occurring normally during the healing of wounds. Retrolental fibroplasia is the abnormal proliferation of fibrous tissue…

  • Fibromyositis

    Any of a large number of disorders marked by local inflammation of muscle and connective tissue, stiffness, and joint or muscle pain. Fibromyositis may result from infection, trauma, or other cause. Treatment includes rest, pain-relieving drugs, and sometimes massage. Chronic muscle inflammation with hyperplasia of the connective tissue.  

  • Fibroid tumor

    Benign tumor (fibroma) containing fibrous tissue, especially that of the uterus. Fibroid tumors of the uterus are common and in many cases do not require treatment; if, however, they cause discomfort or hemorrhage, surgical removal is necessary. Fibroid tumors are benign growths that develop in the uterus. They are non-cancerous in nature. These tumors are…

  • Flbroadenoma

    Benign nontender, movable, and firm tumor of the breast, most common in young women and caused by high estrogen levels.  

  • Fiberscope

    Flexible instrument containing light- carrying glass or plastic fibbers used to view internal body structures. Fiberscopes are especially designed for examination of particular body parts. For example, the bronchoscope is designed for viewing the tracheal and bronchial region; the gastroscope, for viewing the interior of the stomach; the duodenoscope, for viewing the duodenum. An endoscope…

  • Fiberoptics

    Technique in which thin, flexible, glass or plastic fibers in special instruments called fiberscopes are used to view inner parts of the body; the fibers transmit light and relay a magnified image of the body part. Transmission of an image through bundles of thin, flexible glass or plastic threads that convey light by total internal…

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