Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Genesis

    Origin, evolution or generation of something.  

  • Gap junction

    Minute pores between cells; provide pathways for intercellular communication by means of transfer of ions and other molecules from one cell to another. Minute pores between cells that provide pathways for intercellular communication. Originally described in muscle tissue, they are known to be present in most animal cells.  

  • Gammopathy

    Condition in which proteins having antibody activity (immunoglobulins) increase greatly in the blood. Any disease in which serum immunoglobulins are increased, such as multiple myeloma, benign monoclonal gammopathy, and cirrhosis.  

  • Gallop

    Abnormal heart rhythm during which extra heart sounds are heard during each cardiac cycle; the combination of normal and abnormal sounds much like a horse galloping. Sometimes called a gallop rhythm. An extra heart sound (i.e., a third or fourth heart sound), typically heard during diastole.  

  • Gag reflex

    Normal retching reaction, which may be produced by touching the soft palate at the back of the mouth; also called pharyngeal reflex. Response by the throat that causes retching. This is the automatic response of trying to take a deep breath or choking when something is introduced into the back of the mouth and throat.…

  • Funny bone

    Colloquial term for the back of the elbow, where the ulnar nerve is near the surface. A sharp blow to the site causes a most unpleasant shock or tingle. A colloquial term for the groove along the inner back side of the elbow (behind and underneath the medial epicondyle of the humerus) in which the…

  • Fungal infection

    Inflammatory condition caused by a fungus. Common fungal infections are candidiasis, tinea (ring-worm), and coccidioidomycosis. Pathological invasion of the body by yeast or other fungi. Fungi are most likely to produce disease in patients whose immune defenses are compromised. Fungal infections, also referred to as mycoses, encompass a diverse group of diseases resulting from the…

  • Forced feeding

    Forcible administration of food (e.g., through a nasal tube) to someone who will not (e.g., as a political protest) or cannot otherwise eat. Tube feeding to an individual who does not want to eat or to be fed by this means.  

  • Footdrop

    Abnormal condition in which the foot is not in its normal flexed position, but rather drags; it is usually due to damage to the nerves of the foot. An abnormal neuromuscular condition often caused by damage to the nerve that extends into the foot. In foot-drop, there is an inability to flex the foot. Consequently,…

  • Fomes

    Fomites, any object (as a utensil, towel, money) that can support and transmit disease-causing organisms. Any object that is used or handled by a person with a communicable disease and may therefore become contaminated with the infective organisms and transmit the disease to a subsequent user. Common fomites are towels, bed-clothes, cups, and money. Any…

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