Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Hexestrol

    Estrogen compound used to treat menstrual irregularities and menopausal symptoms and to prevent pregnancy.  

  • Hexachlorophene

    Topical anti- infective agent used as a disinfectant and antiseptic scrub. A disinfectant similar to phenol, formerly used in soaps and creams to treat skin disorders. Its use in medicinal products is limited because of the toxic effects it might produce when absorbed into the body. A widely used antiseptic which is active against a…

  • Heteroploidy

    Condition of having an abnormal number of chromosomes, either more or less than the number normal for body cells of the species.  

  • Heterophil test

    Blood test that, when positive, usually indicates infectious mononucleosis.  

  • Herpangia

    Viral infection occurring most often in children, characterized by sore throat; papules on the tongue, pharynx, and palate; fever; headache; and pain in the abdomen and extremities. It usually subsides within a short time.  

  • Hemosiderosis

    Abnormal deposition of an iron-containing compound (hemosiderin) in tissues, often associated with diseases in which there is extensive destruction of red blood cells. Increased storage of iron in body tissues; associated with diseases involving the destruction of red blood cells; for example, hemolytic anemia. A disorder caused by excessive deposition of iron, which in turn…

  • Hemorrhoid

    Swelling of a vein or veins (varicosity) in the lower rectum or anus, either internal, above the anal sphincter, or external, outside the anal sphincter. Frequently associated with constipation, straining to defecate, pregnancy, or prolonged sitting, hemorrhoids are often painful and sometimes bleed with defecation. Treatment includes topical agents to shrink and anesthetize the hemorrhoids,…

  • Hemorrhagic fever

    Any of several kinds of arbovirus (e.g., transmitted by insects or crustaceans) infection usually occurring in a specific geographic area; symptoms include fever, malaise, and respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms, followed by capillary hemorrhage.    

  • Hemolysin

    Substance that breaks down or dissolves red blood cells. Hemolysins are found in some bacteria, venom, and foods. A substance capable of bringing about destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis). It may be an antibody or a bacterial toxin. A toxic agent or condition that destroys red blood cells. A substance that releases hemoglobin from…

  • Hemoglobinopathy

    Any of a group of inherited disorders characterized by an alteration in the normal structure of hemoglobin. Types of hemoglobinopathies include sickle-cell disease and thalassemia. Inherited disorders involving abnormal hemoglobin molecules. Abnormal hemoglobin is generally less efficient than normal hemoglobin at carrying oxygen to the cells of the body. People with hemoglobinopathies may have mild…

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