Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Iliac arteries

    Arteries that supply most of the blood for the pelvis and lower extremities. The right and left common iliac arteries are the terminal branches of the abdominal aorta. The arteries that supply most of the blood to the lower limbs and pelvic region. The right and left common iliac arteries form the terminal branches of…

  • Ictus

    Seizure (e.g., in epilepsy) or sudden attack (e.g.. cerebrovascular accident), A stroke or any sudden attack. The term is often used for an epileptic fit, stressing the suddenness of its onset. To or caused by a sudden symptomatic attack — especially the new onset of neurological symptoms such as those seen in seizures or strokes.…

  • Ichthammol

    Thick, black liquid used topically as an anti-infective to treat certain skin diseases. Ammonium ichthosulphonate an almost black, thick liquid of fishy smell, prepared from a bituminous shale. It is used in some people with chronic eczema. This medication is employed in skin preparations to treat eczema and alleviate itching. A dense, dark substance sourced…

  • Hypothrombinemia

    Lower than normal levels of prothrombin (Factor II) in the circulating blood, leading to poor clot formation, long clotting time, and sometimes excessive bleeding. It often results from vitamin K deficiency or anticoagulant therapy.  

  • Hypoproteinemia

    Abnormally low level of protein in the blood, usually with abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and edema. It may be caused by inadequate dietary intake of protein or by intestinal or renal disease. A decrease in the quantity of protein in the blood. It may result from malnutrition, impaired protein production (as in liver disease), or…

  • Hypopnea

    Shallow or slow respiration; it is a normal sign in athletes but an indication of brain disorder in other persons. A decrease in breathing rate, which indicates that the body is attempting to compensate for metabolic disturbances due to disease in non-respiratory organs by retaining acid in the form of carbon dioxide. A condition characterized…

  • Hypopigmentation

    Unusual lack of skin color, as in albinism and vitiligo. Absence of pigment, resulting in light or white splotches. Hypopigmentation refers to the lack or absence of normal color in the skin. This condition occurs when there is an underproduction of melanin, the brown pigment found in skin, hair, and eyes. It can be a…

  • Hypoglycemic agent

    Any of a large group of drugs including insulin and glyburide, which decrease the level of glucose in the blood and are used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.  

  • Hypobetalipoproteinemia

    Hereditary disorder in which the levels of beta lipoproteins, lipids, and cholesterol are lower than normal. There are no symptoms, and there is no treatment.  

  • Hypnagogue

    Agent that tends to induce drowsiness or sleep. Concerning or causing sleep or drowsiness.  

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