Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A person skilled in the application of knowledge for practical purposes. A technician is a specialist in the technical details of a process or subject. The distinction between the terms “technician” and “technologist” is not clear, particularly when they are used in the health care field. An individual specializing in the application of scientific knowledge…
Tax preference for health benefits
The way that federal law treats health benefits for employees. They have been treated as tax-deductible business expenses for the employer, rather than taxable income to the employee. This practice results in far lower tax revenue for the government.
Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act
A1982 federal act which, among other things, permitted HCFA to enter into risk contracts with HMOs and CMPs, to pay for hospice care, and to extend coverage for ancillary services. It also prohibited employers from keeping employees ages 65 to 69 from participating in the employer’s health plan and requiring them to use Medicare instead.…
Task Force on National Health Reform
The body created by President Clinton in January 1993, chaired by Hillary Rodham Clinton, with the charge to “listen to all parties and prepare health care reform legislation . . .” It reported that in its deliberations it met with health care providers, consumers, business, and labor groups, including physician groups, nurses groups, hospitals, medical…
Systems theory
The theoretical framework explaining how systems consisting of complexs of people and machines (and other essential resources) work together in an orderly fashion to accomplish a given task.
Systeme International units
The international measurement system, commonly referred to as the “metric system.” The SI is used by most of the world, and a transition from the “English system” to SI is underway in the United States.
System process
A process by which a complex of people and machines (and other essential resources) work together in an orderly fashion to accomplish a given task
System anatomical
A pattern of signs and symptoms which occur together and form a picture of a given disease. One of the functional components of the body, for example, the respiratory (breathing) system or the circulatory (heart and blood vessels) system.
Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care
An annual meeting under the auspices of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA).
Survival analysis
A type of statistical process which deals with analysis of a group of individuals with respect to the time intervals between the onset of a given disease, for example, and significant events in its progress, such as cure, recurrence, or death. It is used in evaluating the effectiveness of treatments, for example, and making prognostic…
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