Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Psychic blindness

    Sight without recognition due to a brain lesion.  

  • Object blindness

    A disorder in which the brain fails to recognize things even though the eyes are functioning normally.  

  • Note blindness

    The inability to recognize musical notes, due to a lesion of the central nervous system.  

  • Letter blindness

    An inability to understand the meaning of letters; a form of aphasia.  

  • Legal blindness

    A degree of loss of visual acuity that prevents a person from performing work requiring eyesight. In the U.S. this is defined as corrected visual acuity of 20/200 or less, or a visual field of 20° or less in the better eye. In the U.S. there are about three quarters of a million blind people,…

  • Hysterical blindness

    An inaccurate term for functional blindness (i.e., blindness caused by psychological disorders rather than demonstrable organic pathology).  

  • Eclipse blindness

    Blindness due to burning the macula while viewing an eclipse without using protective lenses. Looking directly at the sun anytime can damage the eyes.  

  • Cortical blindness

    Blindness due to lesions in the left and right occipital lobes of the brain. The eyes are still able to move and the pupillary light reflexes remain, but the blindness is as if the optic nerves had been severed. The usual cause is occlusion of the posterior cerebral arteries. Transitory cortical blindness may follow head…

  • Amnesic color blindness

    An inability to remembers the names of colors.  

  • Blinded

    To a method, study, or clinical trial in which neither the subject nor the investigator knows the hypothesis, problem, or condition being tested. Blinding reduces the potential for bias.  

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