Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Covalent bond

    Chemical bond formed when atoms share one, two, or three pairs of electrons. This is the type of bond found in organic molecules.  

  • Bona fide

    Carried out in good faith; honest, without fraud or deception.  

  • Boiling

    Process of vaporizing a liquid. Boiling water destroys most microorganisms (but may not destroy spores or viruses), solidifies (denatures) albumin, weakens fibrin and muscle proteins in meat, bursts starch granules, and softens cellulose in cereals and vegetables. Boiling is a cooking method where food is cooked in liquid, usually stock or water, at a temperature…

  • Bohr effect

    The effect of an acid environment on hemoglobin; hydrogen ions alter the structure of hemoglobin and increase the release of oxygen. It is especially important in active tissues producing carbon dioxide and lactic acid.  

  • Boerhaave syndrome

    Spontaneous rupture of the esophagus usually associated with violent retching or vomiting.  

  • Body weight ratio

    Body weight in grams divided by body height in centimeters.  

  • Body snatching

    Robbing a grave of its body, which was done in the past to obtain bodies for anatomical study in medical schools.  

  • Body scheme

    Knowledge of one’s body parts and their relative positions.  

  • Body packer syndrome

    Drug overdose as a result of the ingestion of multiple small packages, usually containing drugs of abuse (especially cocaine), to transport them illegally. Inadvertent overdose may occur if the packages rupture.  

  • Body map

    A drawing of a patient’s injuries, lesions, or wounds, used to record maltreatment by another person in a case of physical abuse or violence.  

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