Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Marble bone

    An abnormally calcified bone with a spotted appearance on a radiograph.  

  • Interradicular bone

    The alveolar bone between the roots of multirooted teeth.  

  • Ear bone

    One of the ossicles of the tympanic cavity: the malleus, incus, and stapes.  

  • Cotyloid bone

    A bone that forms a part of the medial portion of the acetabulum during fetal development. It subsequently fuses with the pubis.  

  • Cartilage bone

    A bone formed by endochondral ossification developing from the primary centers of bone formation.  

  • Brittle bone

    Bone that is abnormally fragile, as in osteogenesis imperfecta. Fragile bones, prone to fracturing, are a characteristic feature of various conditions. They commonly manifest in individuals with osteoporosis, as well as those who are on corticosteroid medications, experience immobility, or have specific hormonal disorders. In cases of osteomalacia, the bones exhibit a softness that contributes…

  • Mother-infant bonding

    The emotional and physical attachment between infant and mother that is initiated in the first hour or two after normal delivery of a baby who has not been dulled by anesthetic agents or drugs. It is believed that the stronger this bond, the greater the chances of a mentally healthy infant mother relationship in both…

  • Polar covalent bond

    A covalent bond in which one atom attracts the shared pair of electrons more strongly than does the other atom, and thus has a slightly negative charge. The atom with the weaker attraction has a slightly positive charge.  

  • Nonpolar covalent bond

    A covalent bond in which the pair of electrons is shared equally between two atoms.  

  • Ionic bond

    A chemical bond formed by the loss and gain of electrons between atoms. This type of bond is found in inorganic acids, bases, and salts.  

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