Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bowel rest

    The intentional restriction of oral nutrition, typically used with other therapies for patients with gastrointestinal diseases such as bowel obstruction, ileus, pancreatitis, or acute abdomen.  

  • Bowel incontinence

    Change in normal bowel habits characterized by involuntary passage of stool.  

  • Bowel bypass syndrome

    A febrile illness occurring after intestinal bypass surgery for morbidly obese patients. Affected patients typically report aching joints and muscles, and have pustules and papules on the arms, legs, and or chest.  

  • Bovine somatotropin A

    A growth hormone used to increase milk production in cows.  

  • Bouveret syndrome

    Gastric outlet obstruction resulting from impaction of a gallstone in the duodenum.  

  • Boutons terminaux

    The bulblike expansions at the tips of axons that come into synaptic contact with the cell bodies of other neurons.  

  • Boutonniere

    A surgically produced buttonhole like opening in a membrane.  

  • Bound

    In chemistry, the holding in combination of one molecule by another.  

  • Bouin’s fluid

    A fixative for embryological and histological tissue. It consists of formaldehyde, glacial acetic acid, trinitrophenol, and water.  

  • Gum elastic bougie

    A small, flexible instrument used to locate the trachea. It is used as an intubation aid, especially when intubation with standard techniques is difficult.  

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