Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Braden scale

    A validated assessment tool commonly used to quantify a patient’s degree of risk for developing a pressure ulcer. Each assessment parameter is measured on a scale from high risk of 1 to low risk of 3 or 4. The parameters include sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction and shear, with a possible total…

  • Bracket

    A support of wood, metal, or some durable material. In orthodontics, brackets may be bonded to teeth or attached to them indirectly. Orthodontic brackets are used to attach arch wires, which apply pressure to the teeth to realign them.  

  • Brachyspira

    A genus of spirochete that occasionally colonizes the lower gastrointestinal tract. It causes dysentery in animals such as dogs or pigs and has been identified as a cause of human disease, e.g., abdominal cramping, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding.  

  • Brachyphalangia

    Shortness of a bone or bones of a finger or toe.  

  • Brachymorphic

    Shorter and broader than usual, with reference to body type.  

  • Brachygnathia

    Abnormal shortness of the lower jaw.  

  • Brachydactylia

    Abnormal shortness of the fingers and toes.  

  • Brachycheilia

    Abnormal shortness of the lips.  

  • Brachioradialis

    A muscle lying on the lateral side of the forearm. It flexes the forearm.  

  • Brachioplasty

    Cosmetic surgery to remove unwanted skin and fat from the upper arm.  

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