Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bright light therapy

    Treatment of sleep and/or mood disorders by exposure to bright fluorescent lights (typically 10,000 lux) for at least 2 hours a day. Bright light therapy has been used as an alternative to drug therapy for seasonal affective disorder and insomnia (e.g., in shift workers).  

  • Bridging

    A treatment activity used to activate abdominal and hip extensor muscles. To bridge, a person lies in a supine position with knees flexed and feet flat against a horizontal surface, such as a floor, bed, or plinth (treatment table). The hips are then lifted, while the feet, shoulders, and head maintain contact with the surface.…

  • Fixed bridgework

    A cast restoration or bridge cemented to natural teeth.  

  • Bridgework

    A partial denture held in place by attachments other than clasps.  

  • Bridge on nose

    The upper part of the external nose formed by the junction of the nasal bones. The superior portion of the external nose formed by the union of the two nasal bones.  

  • Brenner’s tumor

    A benign tumor composed of fibrous and epithelial elements.  

  • Breath test for lactase deficiency

    The measurement of hydrogen in the breath after ingestion of 50 g of lactase.  

  • Carbon urea breath test

    A diagnostic test in which the patient ingests 13C-labeled or 14C-labeled urea, which binds to and can be measured in exhaled carbon dioxide. It is used to diagnose infection with Helicobacter pylori, a common cause of peptic ulcer.  

  • Breath test

    A test that may be used to detect a specific substance in the breath to help explain metabolic changes. Breath tests are used, for example, to detect evidence of bacterial overgrowth in the intestines, to investigate the causes of malabsorption, to detect Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, and to estimate alcohol in the tissues, due…

  • Work of breathing

    The amount of effort used to expand the lungs. It is determined by lung and thoracic compliance, airway resistance, and the use of accessory muscles for inspiration or forced expiration. It is measured in joules/L, joules/min and sometimes kg/m/min.  

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