Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Bulla ossea

    The dilated portion of the bony external meatus of the ear.  

  • Bulla ethmoidalis

    A rounded, thin-walled, bony projection into the middle meatus of the nose underneath the middle turbinate bone, formed by an anterior ethmoid sinus.  

  • Bulbus vestibuli

    Either of two oval masses of erectile tissue lying beneath the vestibule and resting on the urogenital diaphragm. In the female they are homologous to the bulbus spongiosum of the penis.  

  • Bulbus corpus spongiosum

    Bulb of the urethra. A bulbous swelling of the corpus spongiosum penis at the base of the penis.  

  • Bulbospongiosus

    One of the three voluntary muscles of the penis. It acts to empty the canal of the urethra after urination and to assist in erection of the corpus cavernosum urethrae. The anterior fibers contribute to penile erection by contracting to compress the deep dorsal vein of the penis.  

  • Bulbocavernosus

    A muscle ensheathing the bulb of the penis in the male or covering the bulbus vestibuli in the female. It is also called ejaculator urinae or accelerator urinae in males and sphincter vaginae in females.  

  • Bulbitis

    Inflammation of the urethra in its bulbous portion.  

  • Bulb of the urethra

    The posterior portion of the corpus spongiosum found between the two crura of the penis.  

  • Hair bulb

    The expanded portion at the lower end of the hair root. The growth of a hair results from the proliferation of cells of the hair bulb. Lowest part of a hair strand; the thickened, club-shaped structure that forms the lower part of the hair root.  

  • Duodenal bulb

    The upper duodenal area just beyond the pylorus.  

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