Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Burrow

    A tunnel made in or under the skin (e.g., by an insect or a parasite).  

  • Burow’s solution

    A dilute solution of aluminum acetate; used in dermatology as a drying agent for weeping skin lesions.  

  • Wax burnout

    Removal of an invested wax pattern from a mold by heating, thereby creating the mold space for casting metal.  

  • Burnisher

    An instrument with a blade or nib for smoothing the margins of a dental restoration.  

  • Burning mouth syndrome

    A burning sensation in one or several parts of the mouth. It occurs in older adults and is generally related to menopausal or psychological factors. Identified causes are denture irritation, yeast infection, decreased salivary production, systemic factors such as nutritional and estrogen deficiencies, and sensory neuropathies. It is also called oral dysesthesia. Treatment consists of…

  • Burning foot syndrome

    A painful sensation in the sole of the foot, usually caused by a peripheral neuropathy or myopathy. It occurs in certain vitamin deficiencies and in patients with chronic renal failure, due to build-up of uremic waste products.  

  • Burner

    Trauma to the brachial plexus, marked by a fiery sensation in the neck that radiates down the arm, especially when the neck is deviated from the involved side and the contralateral shoulder is depressed. This condition, which is esp. prevalent in contact sports, causes the cervical nerve root to become compressed between two vertebrae. Weakness…

  • Thermal burn

    A burn resulting from contact with fire, hot objects, or fluids.  

  • Respiratory burn

    A burn to the components of the respiratory system usually caused by inhaling superheated gases.  

  • Gunpowder burn

    burn resulting from exploding gunpowder, usually at very close range. It is often followed by tetanus, which should be prevented by administration of antitetanus toxoid and immune globulin and meticulous care of the injury area.  

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