Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Butyraceous

    Containing or resembling butter.  

  • Buttonhole

    An incision (sometimes inadvertent) into the wall of a cavity or membrane. This term may be applied to surgical procedures on hollow organ systems such as the gastrointestinal, urinary tract, and cardiovascular systems and to some of myocutaneous grafts.  

  • Buttermilk

    The liquid left after the separation of butter from milk or cream. It contains 2% fat. Cultured buttermilk is made by adding streptococci to milk to give it a sour flavor. The residual liquid that persists after the process of churning sweet or sour milk or cream, which causes the separation of butter from it.…

  • Butterfly

    An adhesive bandage used in place of sutures to hold wound edges together.  

  • Butterbur

    An herb, Petasites hybridus, from which an herbal remedy is made for treatment of migraine headache and allergic rhinitis.  

  • Butane

    A gaseous, inflammable hydrocarbon derived from petroleum.  

  • Buschke’s scleredema

    Generalized nonpitting edema that begins on the head or neck and spreads to the body. This lasts a year or less and leaves no sequelae. The cause is unknown.  

  • Buruli ulcer

    An infection of the skin and underlying tissues with Mycobacterium ulcerans. The infection, which is common in tropical and subtropical nations, develops slowly from a painless or minimally painful nodule on the skin into underlying bone, which it gradually destroys. The spread of the disease may be prevented with bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine.  

  • Burton’s line

    A blue line along the margin of the gingiva visible in chronic lead poisoning.  

  • Bursopathy

    Any pathological condition of a bursa.  

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