Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Metastatic calcification
Calcification of soft tissue with transference of calcium from bone, as in osteomalacia and disease of the parathyroid glands.
Dystrophic calcification
The deposition of calcium salts in dead, dying, or necrotic tissues.
Arterial calcification
Calcium deposition in the arterial walls.
Calcar femorale
A bony spur that strengthens the femoral neck.
Pain and inflammation of the posterior portion of the calcaneus at the place of insertion of the Achilles tendon.
Calamus scriptorius
The inferior portion of the floor of the fourth ventricle of the brain. It is shaped like a pen and lies between the restiform bodies.
Caged molecule
A molecule that can become activated by particular wavelengths of light. Severe dehydration in infancy. In some Hispanic cultures caida mollera applies to any severe illness in infancy attributed to incorrect care or handling. Causes include diarrhea, decreased appetite, and an inability to nurse (similar to those found in acute gastroenteritis with dehydration). Findings include…
Therapy using religion or religious symbols.
A salt of cacodylic acid.
Excessive, inappropriate, loud laughter. It may be associated with schizophrenia.
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