Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Pterygopalatine canal

    Canalis palatinus major, a canal between the maxillary and palatine bones that transmits the descending palatine nerves and artery.  

  • Pterygoid canal

    A canal in the sphenoid bone that transmits the pterygoid vessels (e.g., the vidian artery) and pterygoid nerve.  

  • Portal canal

    The connective tissue (a continuation of Glisson’s capsule) and its contained vessels (interlobular branches of the hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile duct and lymphatic vessel) located between adjoining liver lobules.  

  • Pharyngeal canal

    A canal between the sphenoid and palatine bones that transmits branches of the sphenopalatine vessels.  

  • Obturator canal

    An opening in the obturator membrane of the hip bone that transmits the obturator vessels and nerve.  

  • Nutrient canal

    An opening on the surface of compact bone through which blood vessels gain access to the osteons (haversian systems) and the marrow cavity of long bones.  

  • Neurenteric canal

    A temporary canal in the vertebrate embryo between the neural and intestinal tubes. In human development, it is the temporary communication between cavities of the yolk sac and the amnion.  

  • Nasolacrimal canal

    The canal lying between the lacrimal bone and the inferior nasal conchae. It contains the nasolacrimal duct.  

  • Intestinal canal

    The alimentary canal from the stomach to the anus.  

  • Internal auditory canal

    The canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone that transmits the acoustic and facial nerves and the acoustic artery.  

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