Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cantholysis

    Incision of an optic canthus of an eye to widen the palpebral slit.  

  • Cantharis

    A genus of beetles, C. vesicatoria, known as Spanish fly.  

  • Cannibalism

    The human consumption of human flesh.  

  • Canities unguium

    Gray or white streaks in the nails.  

  • Canis familiaris

    The scientific name for the domestic dog. Dogs are often used as guides for people with sensory impairments and as companions for older or institutionalized people. Dog allergens, abbreviated Can by the World Health Organization, are a common source of indoor allergies.  

  • Candidemia

    The presence of yeast from the genus Candida in the blood.  

  • Candida glabrata

    A yeast of the family Cryptococacceae. It is usually nonpathogenic in humans but may cause serious illness in immunocompromised patients. It was formerly called Torulopsis glabrata.  

  • Cancer worry

    A person’s psychological perception of the risk of succumbing to cancer. It is considered a means of motivating health-protective behavior in some people in that it may drive them to undergo appropriate screening tests and to follow health promotional guidelines. But it may also reflect a form of unwarranted anxiety in others, especially when it…

  • Cancer information service

    A program sponsored by the National Cancer Institute that provides cancer information to patients and their families, health professionals, and the general public. Information may be obtained by calling the toll-free number 1-800-4-CANCER.  

  • Cancer grading and staging

    The standardized procedure for expressing cancer cell differentiation, called grading, and the extent of dissemination of the cancer, called staging. This procedure is very helpful in comparing the results of various forms of therapy. Cancer is graded on the differentiation of the tumor cells and the number of mitoses present. These are thought to be…

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