Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Capsular pattern

    In a joint, the proportional loss or limitation of passive range of motion that suggests inflammation in that joint (e.g., the capsular pattern of the glenohumeral joint, in order of most restriction, is lateral rotation, abduction, and medial rotation).  

  • Capsula

    A sheath or continuous enclosure around an organ or structure.  

  • Capsicum

    The genus of pepper plants, of which there are more than 200 varieties, including jalapeno and tabasco. The taxonomic designation for a group of plants that produce red fruits commonly known as peppers. A few of these species bear fruits referred to as chilis (a term of Spanish origin derived from an Indian name), which…

  • Capotement

    A splashing sound that may be heard when the dilated stomach contains air and fluid.  

  • Capnometry

    The measurement of the concentration of carbon dioxide in the exhaled breath of a critically ill person, typically a victim of cardiac or respiratory arrest or a patient receiving mechanical ventilation.  

  • Capnography

    Continuous recording of the concentration of carbon dioxide in inhaled and exhaled air. Measurements of the level of carbon dioxide are used to ensure that airway adjuncts, such as endotracheal tubes, are correctly placed in the trachea (and not the esophagus) of a mechanically ventilated patient.  

  • Capnocytophaga canimorsus

    A species associated with infections from dog bites. The resulting illness may be mild or life threatening. Alcoholics, splenectomized individuals, and those taking corticosteroids are especially susceptible, but the illness can be fatal even in previously healthy people. Treatment consists of penicillin; it may be given prophylactically to asplenic patients following a dog bite.  

  • Capnocytophaga

    A genus of gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic bacilli that may be isolated from the oral cavity of humans and canines and are associated with serious systemic infections, especially in asplenic patients.  

  • Caplan’s syndrome

    Rheumatoid arthritis and pneumoconiosis with progressive massive fibrosis of the lung in coal workers. Caplan’s syndrome is characterized by the coexistence of rheumatoid arthritis and pneumoconiosis, which is a lung disorder caused by inhaling specific mineral dusts. This condition leads to the development of extensive areas of fibrous (scar) tissue in the lungs, often resulting…

  • Capitulum of the malleus

    In the middle ear, the head (the large rounded extremity) of the malleus. It carries the facet for the incus.  

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