Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Capture

    In atomic physics, the joining of an elementary particle such as an electron or neutron with the atomic nucleus.  

  • Captioning

    The display of spoken words as text on a television or a movie screen, to improve the comprehension of dialogue by hearing-impaired individuals.  

  • Captation

    Capture or uptake by cells or tissues; said especially of chemicals or radioactive isotopes.  

  • Captain of the ship doctrine

    A legal doctrine that holds that the legal responsibility for errors in a medical setting falls on the most highly trained or senior health care provider present at the time. This doctrine has been used to hold attending physicians or surgeons responsible for the negligent acts of the surgical or anesthesia team. The doctrine is…

  • Laser capsulotomy

    The use of a laser to make a hole in the capsule surrounding the lens of the eye to let light pass. Extracapsular removal of a cataract allows the capsule surrounding the lens to remain in the eye; however, if the capsule becomes cloudy, laser capsulotomy is used to restore vision.  

  • Capsulotome

    An instrument for incising the capsule of the crystalline lens.  

  • Capsulorrhaphy

    Suture of a joint capsule or of a tear in a capsule.  

  • Capsulorhexis

    A common method of cataract extraction in which a circular incision is made in the anterior capsule to permit lens extraction.  

  • Capsuloplasty

    Plastic surgery of a capsule, especially a joint capsule.  

  • Capsulolenticular

    To the capsule of the eye and the lens.  

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