Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Respiratory care

    The evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients with cardiopulmonary disease by respiratory therapy professionals working under a physician’s supervision.  

  • Nurse-led care

    Health care that is managed by and provided primarily by advanced practitioner nurses. Many community health centers are nurse-led.  

  • Mouth care

    Personal and bedside care of the oral cavity including the gingivae, teeth, lips, epithelial covering of the mucosa, pharynx, and tongue. When ill, persons who would normally be able to provide their own oral hygiene may require assistance in maintaining a healthy oral environment. The intensity and frequency of a care is dictated by patient…

  • Family-centered care

    The integration and collaboration of family members in the patient care team, especially in the care of dependent infants, children, or adults with complex or ongoing health care needs.  

  • Developmentally appropriate care

    Care that suits the stage of life of the patient by meeting his or her cognitive, emotional, and social needs.  

  • Culturally competent care

    The provision of health care with professional tolerance and respect for individuals of all ages, nationalities, races, genders, beliefs, and behaviors.  

  • Cluster care

    A system of home care for older adults that allows the needs of many clients who live in proximity to be met by a team of workers.  

  • Rheumatic carditis

    Inflammation of cardiac tissue as a result of acute rheumatic fever. Mitral insufficiency is a prominent feature, and aortic insufficiency is sometimes present as well.  

  • Coxsackie carditis

    Carditis or pericarditis that may occur in infections with enteroviruses of the Coxsackie groups, and also with echovirus groups.  

  • Automatic implantable cardioverter

    An implantable device for detecting and terminating ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation.  

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