Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Catatricrotic

    Manifesting a third impulse in the descending stroke of the sphygmogram of the pulse.  

  • Catastrophizing

    Exaggerated focus on perceived failures in one’s past, present, or future; associated with mood disorders, especially depression, and chronic pain.  

  • Dry catarrh

    An obsolete term for a nonproductive cough.  

  • Zonular cataract

    A cataract with opacity limited to certain layers of the lens.  

  • Siliquose cataract

    A cataract with a dry, wrinkled capsule.  

  • Radiation cataract

    A cataract caused by exposure to radiation, especially from sunlight.  

  • Overripe cataract

    A cataract in which the lens solidifies and shrinks. This stage follows the mature stage.  

  • Mature cataract

    Sufficiently dense changes in the anterior cortex of the lens to prevent the examiner from viewing the posterior portion of the lens and the posterior portion of the eye; that is, the entire lens is opaque and ophthalmoscopic examination of the eye past the lens is not possible.  

  • Immature cataract

    An early cataract, too poorly developed to require therapy.  

  • Cataphoria

    The tendency of visual axes to incline below the horizontal plane. The state where the line of sight for each eye tends to angle downward, deviating from a horizontal level.  

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