Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Triple-lumen catheter

    A central catheter containing three separate channels or passageways.  

  • Pulmonary artery catheter

    A catheter inserted into the pulmonary artery to measure pulmonary artery pressures, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, and, indirectly, left atrial pressure and cardiac output.  

  • Prostatic catheter

    A catheter, 15 to 16 in (38 to 40.6 cm) long, with a short el bowed tip designed to pass prostatic obstruction.  

  • Presternal catheter

    A catheter used for peritoneal dialysis that exits the chest instead of the lower abdomen. It is made of two silicone rubber tubes joined at the implantation site by a titanium connector that links its abdominal and presternal parts.  

  • Pharyngeal suction catheter

    A rigid tube used to suction the pharynx during direct visualization.  

  • Peripherally inserted central venous catheter

    A soft, flexible central venous catheter, inserted in a vein in the arm and advanced until the tip is positioned in the axillary, subclavian, or brachiocephalic vein. It may also be advanced into the superior vena cava. A PICC is commonly used for prolonged antibiotic therapy, total parenteral nutrition, continuous opioid infusion, or intermittent chemotherapy.…

  • Intravenous catheter

    A catheter inserted into a vein to administer fluids or medications or to measure pressure.  

  • Impregnated catheter

    A catheter coated with a medication designed to prevent complications of prolonged insertion in the body. Commonly used coatings include antibiotics and antiseptics.  

  • Heparin-bonded catheter

    A pulmonary artery catheter with a heparin coating to reduce the risk of thrombus formation.  

  • Glide catheter

    A catheter inserted into the ureter to remove impacted kidney stones. A lubricated wire is advanced past the obstructing stone. The glide catheter is mounted on the wire, moved toward the kidney beyond the stone, and used to snare and retrieve the stone.  

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