Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cleavage cell

    A cell that results from mitosis or splitting of the fertilized ovum; a blastomere.  

  • Centroacinar cell

    A duct cell of the pancreas more or less invaginated into the lumen of an acinus.  

  • Cementocyte cell

    One of the cells trapped within cementum that maintain cementum as a living calcified tissue by their metabolic activity.  

  • Cementoblast cell

    One of the cells that produce the cementum layer, which covers the tooth root and provides attachment for the supporting periodontal ligament. A cell of the inner layer of the dental sac of a developing tooth. It deposits cementum on the dentin of the root.  

  • Castration cell

    An enlarged and vacuolated basophil cell seen in the pituitary in gonadal insufficiency or following castration.  

  • Cancer cell

    A cell present in a neoplasm and differentiated from normal tissue cells because of its degree of anaplasia, irregularity of shape, nuclear size, changes in the structure of the nucleus and cytoplasm, increased number of mitoses, and ability to metastasize.  

  • Burr cell

    An erythrocyte with 10 to 30 spicules distributed over the surface of the cell, as seen in heart disease, stomach cancer, kidney disease, and dehydration.  

  • Bipolar cell

    A neuron with two processes, an axon and a dendrite. It is found in the retina of the eye and in the cochlear and vestibular ganglia of the acoustic nerve.  

  • Basophil cell

    A cell with an affinity for staining with basic dyes.  

  • Basket cell

    A branching basal or myoepithelial cell of the salivary and other glands.  

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