Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Nerve center

    An area in the central nervous system or in a ganglion that is responsible for certain functions; examples include the motor areas in the frontal lobes of the cerebrum.  

  • Motor cortical center

    An area in the frontal lobe in which impulses for voluntary movements originate.  

  • Micturition center

    A center that controls the reflexes of the urinary bladder. These are located in the second to fourth and fourth to sixth sacral segments of the cord. Higher centers are present in the medulla oblongata, hypothalamus, and cerebrum.  

  • Inspiratory center

    The respiratory center in the medulla that generates impulses that cause contraction of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles.  

  • Higher center

    A center in any portion of the brain, in contrast to one in the spinal cord.  

  • Heat-regulating center

    One of two centers, a heat loss and a heat production center, located in the hypothalamus. They regulate body temperature.  

  • Gustatory center

    The center, primarily in the parietal lobes, that feels and interprets taste.  

  • Feeding center

    An area in the ventrolateral nucleus of the hypothalamus that originates signals to the cerebral cortex that stimulate eating.  

  • Expiratory center

    The part of the respiratory center in the medulla that promotes a forced exhalation.  

  • Epiotic center

    The ossification center of the temporal bone, forming the upper and posterior part of the auditory capsule.  

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