Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Central island

    An abnormally raised ridge of corneal tissue that may be left behind after failed photo refractive eye surgery. The lump or ridge of thick cornea may cause distorted or double vision.  

  • Central inhibitory state

    A condition of decreased excitability in the central nervous system, especially in the spinal cord, resulting from an inhibitory stimulus.  

  • Central excitatory state

    A condition of increased excitability in the central nervous system, especially in the spinal cord, following an excitatory stimulus.  

  • Central dogma of molecular biology

    The outdated principle which states that proteins are made from RNA, which in turn is made from DNA. Other permutations are found in nature; e.g., RNA viruses use a reverse transcriptase to make complementary DNA.  

  • Central cervical cord syndrome

    Paralysis of the hands and arms (and often of the lower limbs but to a less severe degree) resulting from an injury to the cervical spinal cord. Bladder dysfunction and sensory losses below the level of the injury often occur. The condition is typically produced by a hyperextension injury of the neck.  

  • Central

    Situated at or pertaining to a center.  

  • Centipoise

    A unit of viscosity, one hundredth of a poise.  

  • Centipede

    An arthropod of the subclass Chilopoda distinguished by an elongated flattened body of many segments, each with a pair of jointed legs. The first pair of appendages are hook like claws bearing openings of ducts from poison glands. The bites of large tropical centipedes may cause severe local and sometimes general symptoms, but they are…

  • Centimorgan

    One hundredth of a morgan; a measure of genetic distance that indicates the likelihood of crossover of two loci on a gene.  

  • Centimeter-gram-second system

    An early version of the SI units system, no longer in use.  

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