Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Challenge for cause

    A request that a prospective juror not be allowed to serve for specific reasons or causes (e.g., concerns about potential bias or prejudice).  

  • Peremptory challenge

    A challenge to remove a juror from a prospective jury without cause.  

  • Food challenge

    Exposing a patient to a substance to which the patient is thought to react adversely. Ethically, the test cannot be performed without the patient’s permission, but for accuracy the test foods should be disguised during the test. Typically, food challenges are performed after the patient has eliminated the suspected food from his or her diet…

  • Chair stand

    The time it takes to rise from a seated position in a straight-backed chair to a standing position unsupported. The test may be performed in several ways. In one assessment the subject gets up from a chair five times, and the time it takes to complete these maneuvers is measured. In another assessment the number…

  • Chain of survival

    In emergency cardiac care, the idea that the survival of patients in cardiac arrest depends on the linkage of the following: 1. early access, 2. early CPR, 3. early defibrillation, 4. early advanced life support. If for any reason any one of these links is missing or delayed, the chance of survival decreases considerably.  

  • Chain reaction

    A self-renewing reaction in which the initial stage triggers a subsequent reaction, which in turn causes the next, and so on. Process that joins together monomers to create very long polymer chains.  

  • Chain of custody

    A verifiable procedure that links the collection of evidence (e.g., medical samples taken during a rape examination) with its shipping and handling and its eventual receipt by a clinical laboratory.  

  • Light chain

    The small polypeptide chains of antibodies.  

  • Kinetic chain

    A series of bones connected by joints. Movement of one segment influences other parts of the chain.  

  • Heavy chain

    The large polypeptide chains of antibodies.  

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