Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Anion channel

    Channels in red blood cells that cross the cell membrane. Chloride ions (CL) and bicarbonate ions (HC03‾) are exchanged via these channels.  

  • Change-of-shift

    That time during the working day when one group of health care professionals arrive for work and another group prepares to leave. At this juncture reports about patients are relayed from one group to another and tasks that need to be accomplished are assigned.  

  • Champissage

    An ancient Hindu technique of scalp massage. It is promoted as a means of combating hair loss. The shoulders and neck are sometimes included in the treatment.  

  • Chamberlain procedure

    Incision into the mediastinum through an incision made next to the sternum. The procedure is used to obtain specimens for biopsy or laboratory analysis, as an alternative to mediastinoscopy.  

  • Vitreous chamber

    The cavity behind the lens in the eye that contains the vitreous humor. The region of the eye located behind the lens.  

  • Multiplace chamber

    A hyberbaric chamber that supplies an enriched oxygen environment to several patients who have suffered severe carbon monoxide exposure. All the patients wear their own masks and have their own oxygen supply within the chamber.  

  • Monoplace chamber

    A hyperbaric chamber that supplies an enriched oxygen environment to a single person (or to a small child with a family member or nurse in attendance). It may be used to treat those suspected of severe carbon monoxide exposure.  

  • Low-pressure chamber

    An enclosure designed to simulate high altitudes by exposing humans or animals to low atmospheric pressure. Such studies are essential for simulated flights into the atmosphere and space.  

  • Drip chamber

    A hollow device where intravenous fluids are collected before infusion into a patient.  

  • Challenge test

    Administering a substance in order to determine its ability to cause a response, esp. the giving of an antigen and observing or testing for the antibody response.  

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